As a death and grief doula, I can offer a myriad of services to help you navigate life's end.


I provide compassionate, open dialogue with my clients about their journey. Through honest conversations, I will help them articulate their desires, address any fears, and craft an end-of-life plan that ensures the dying process aligns with their values and preferences. My goal is to support my clients in living fully until the very end, honoring their lives in a way that brings peace and fulfillment.


Companionship and space-holding are at the heart of death doula work. My vigil services include emotional support, curated music, readings, and gentle companionship such as handholding and active listening during the end-of-life journey. It's a privilege to provide respite and compassionate care for both caregivers and those who are dying. In this capacity, I attend to the many non-medical needs of the dying, including emotional, spiritual, and logistical support.


Honoring a loved one's memory can be a powerful and healing part of the dying and grieving process. I offer personalized and creative ways to remember a life before or after a death. Together, we can create a lasting tribute that reflects their unique spirit and the love they brought into the world.

When it comes to legacy and memorialization projects, the imagination is the limit. I will work closely with you and your family to create something meaningful and personalized. Whether you have a clear vision or need help brainstorming ideas, I am here to support you in creating a tribute that honors your loved one's life in a way that feels right for you.


Ritual is important in the early hours and days after the moment of death. My after-death care support includes tender rituals such as gently bathing a loved one with water infused with essential oils, dressing them in their favorite clothes, and laying them in honor surrounded by flowers, candles, and personal mementos. We might also play music, sing songs, and read poetry or scripture based on your needs and desires. Creating a shrouding ceremony can be an especially meaningful and loving last act of after-death care.

These rituals allow time and space to honor the person who has died and can inspire feelings of love, connectedness, and gratitude for those remaining, supporting the ongoing grieving process and helping to integrate the loss.


<aside> 🧠 What is a home funeral?

“A home funeral used to be called “a funeral” since all funerals took place in the family home. Nowadays, it means choosing to keep a body at home after death, as opposed to having the body immediately picked up by a funeral home. It is a safe and legal choice for a family to make!”


Let's navigate the logistics of life's most significant events together.