What is Death Archetypes?

Death Archetypes is a contemplative personality test centered around the question: Who are you in the face of life’s impermanence? The test brings together personality psychology, research on attitudes towards death, Jungian archetypes, and spiritual and philosophical approaches to contemplating mortality. It’s an invitation to introspection and existential inquiry, and an opportunity to delve into the depths of our existence. As you reflect on the questions and your results, you’ll cultivate a deeper awareness of our shared mortality and the great transition that awaits us all.

Why Death Archetypes?

In our fast-paced and death-denying world, reflecting on our mortality is something we rarely take the time to do. And yet, deepening your awareness of death can unlock a more purposeful and fulfilling life. Death Archetypes guides you through a journey of self-discovery to help kick-start the process of integrating death contemplation into your day-to-day life.

Workshop Overview

The Death Archetypes Workshop is designed to guide participants through a reflective journey, helping them uncover their unique relationship with death. By exploring these archetypes, attendees will gain a deeper understanding of themselves and learn how contemplating mortality can enhance their creativity, purpose, and overall quality of life. This workshop is perfect for corporate settings, retreats, and personal development events. Please email for pricing.

Flexible Workshop Outline: 60-80 minutes

Introduction to Death Archetypes (25 minutes)

Death Archetype Assessment (10 minutes)

Interactive Group Discussion (15 minutes)