1. Decide on which service or offering you would like to book.

  2. Book time with me here to discuss working together.

  3. Agree on terms and send payment.

More Information


I am based in Denver, Colorado, and can work with individuals and families in the surrounding areas. Feel free to email and ask if you are not located here or need clarification on whether I can serve your geographical location. I can work with you remotely or recommend you to another doula for some services.


If you want to work with me, please book a free 15-minute consultation call here.

The 15-minute call will help me better understand your needs, give you a chance to get to know me, and determine whether you want to move forward.


I understand that discussing fees upfront may feel uncomfortable, especially during such a sensitive time. However, handling financial matters before our journey together begins ensures a smoother, more supportive experience for everyone involved. When you are grieving, the last thing you want to worry about is paying bills or handling logistics. By addressing this aspect early, we can focus solely on what truly matters—honoring your loved one and navigating your grief with compassion and care.

The fee for my “full-service doula” experience is a monthly $4,400 retainer. I often work many more hours than initially planned to provide the comprehensive support you need. This commitment allows me to be fully present and dedicated to just one client at a time, ensuring you receive my undivided attention and the highest level of care.

I offer sliding-scale pricing for those concerned about financial constraints. I care deeply about this work and am energized to support anyone who is a good fit, regardless of their financial situation.

The monthly retainer includes:

  1. Four in-person weekly visits for 2-4 hours a day. When you need more support, we will tailor the hours to your preference at no additional cost.
  2. Unlimited asynchronous support via email and text. You can always call me in an emergency, but I will help remind you and work with your hospice team to understand that death is not an emergency.
  3. All travel costs, preparation, and post-death care. Any additional costs (e.g., materials for legacy projects, shrouds, etc) will be discussed and agreed upon in advance.